Showing 289–300 of 375 results

Shirataki Konjac glass noodles 400 g

750 Ft
Package size: 400 g This is the (thinnest) version of the Shirataki noodles! Ingredients: water, konjac flour, calcium hydroxide (acidity regulator). Shirataki noodles are made from the root of the konjac plant. This plant is native to Japan, China and South-East Asia. Because it is carbohydrate-free, it can be included in almost any diet. It is also known abroad as "Miracle noodle", because 100 grams of noodles contain only 1.5 grams of carbohydrates! It is also safe for people with food allergies and has an excellent fibre content. Preparation: rinse the dough with boiling water. Add to soups, stews, meat dishes and vegetarian meals.

Shirataki Konjac noodles (wide)

750 Ft
Package size: 400 g, filtered weight 200 g. This is the widest of the Shirataki noodles! Ingredients: water, konjac flour, calcium hydroxide (acidity regulator). Shirataki noodles are made from the root of the konjac plant. This plant is native to Japan, China and South-East Asia. Because it is carbohydrate-free, it can be included in almost any diet. It is also known abroad as "Miracle noodle", because 100 grams of noodles contain only 1.5 grams of carbohydrates! It is also safe for people with food allergies and has an excellent fibre content. Preparation: rinse the dough with boiling water. Add to soups, stews, meat dishes and vegetarian meals.

Shirataki Konjac Udon noodles 400 g

750 Ft
Package size: 400 g, filtered weight 200 g. Of all the Shirataki noodles, this is the udon (thick) noodle version! Ingredients: water, konjac flour, calcium hydroxide (acidity regulator). Shirataki noodles are made from the root of the konjac plant. This plant is native to Japan, China and South-East Asia. Because it is carbohydrate-free, it can be included in almost any diet. It is also known abroad as "Miracle noodle", because 100 grams of noodles contain only 1.5 grams of carbohydrates! It is also safe for people with food allergies and has an excellent fibre content. Preparation: rinse the dough with boiling water. Add to soups, stews, meat dishes and vegetarian meals.

Sriracha Chiliszósz 455 ml

2.490 Ft
Kiszerelés: 455 ml Kóstold meg te is a világszerte ismert chiliszószt a Sriracha-t! Szinte minden ázsiai konyhának alapeleme!  Összetevők: chili 61%, cukorszirup, só, fokhagyma, víz, étkezési sav: E260; E330, ízfokozó: E621, stabilizátor: E415, tartósítószer: E202.

Sriracha Mayo (Majonéz) 455 ml

2.590 Ft
Kiszerelés: 455 ml Összetevők: víz, chili 20%, szójabab olaj, cukor, desztillált ecet, módosított kukoricakeményítő, só, stabilizátor E415, fokhagyma, mustármag, savasság szabályozó E260, E330, ízfokozó E621, tartósítószer E202, antioxidáns E319.

Sukiyaki szósz 300 ml

1.390 Ft
Kiszerelés: 300 ml Cantonese stílusú sukiyaki szósz.  Összetevők: vörös chili 33%, víz, cukor, desztillált ecet, fokhagyma, szójabab, szezámmag, szezámolaj, só, módosított tápióka keményítő, búzaliszt, ízfokozó E621.

Bamboo steamer set 3 pieces 25 cm

11.490 Ft
3 piece bamboo steamer set. 25 cm in diameter. Material: bamboo. Place of origin: China Steaming is a natural and healthy way to preserve the nutrients in food. Of course, this will also have a pleasant effect on the flavours. Ez a gőzölő nagyon sok étel elkészítésére alkalmas, mint például halas, húsos ételek, tenger gyümölcsei, fagyasztott termékek, zöldségfélék. Útmutató: Please wash the steamer lightly before first use. As the material is natural bamboo, boiling the water may slightly brown the pot, but this has no effect on health.

Kínai Integetős Szerencse Macska

2.790 Ft
Anyaga: kézzel festett kerámia Származási hely: Kína Kelet-Ázsiában az integetős macska a szerencse és a jólét szimbóluma. Ez a kis kecses darab egyben perselyként is szolgál. Vidd te is az otthonodba, vagy ajándékozz meg vele másokat!

Solar Lucky Cat

3.990 Ft
Chinese waving lucky cat. The cat's hand moves in response to sunlight. No need to download! In East Asia, the waving cat is a symbol of luck and prosperity. Bring it into your home or give it as a gift to others! The box contains a small ball and smaller parts. Children under 3 years of age are not allowed to play with it! Place of origin: China