Showing 289–300 of 391 results

Soju Grapes 360 ml (másolat) (másolat)

2.240 Ft
Capacity: 360 ml ALCOHOLIC DRINK! Asian grape flavoured spirit. Alcohol: 13% (v/v)+-0.3% (v/v) Place of origin: South Korea

Soju KékÁfonya 360 ml

2.550 Ft
Kiszerelés: 360 ml ALKOHOLTARTALMÚ ITAL! Ázsiai Kékáfonya ízesítésű szeszesital. Alkohol: 12% (V/V)+-0,3% (V/) Származási hely: Dél-Korea

Soju Peach 360 ml

2.550 Ft
Capacity: 360 ml ALCOHOLIC DRINK! Asian peach flavoured spirit. Alcohol: 12% (v/v)+-0.3% (v/v) Place of origin: South Korea

Soju Yuzu 360 ml

2.550 Ft
Capacity: 360 ml ALCOHOLIC DRINK! Asian Yuzu flavoured spirit. Alcohol: 12% (v/v)+-0.3% (v/v) Place of origin: South Korea

Bulgogi marinád Pork 280 g

1.190 Ft
Kiszerelés: 280 g Koreai BBQ Gochujang Bulgogi marinád sertéshez. Származási hely: Dél-Korea

Sötét Rizsecet 550 ml

2.290 Ft
CHINKIANG SÖTÉT RIZSECET Kiszerelés: 550 ml Összetevők: víz, ragadós rizs, búzakorpa, cukor, só. A termék glutént tartalmaz. Átlagos tápérték 100 g termékben: Energia: 142 kJ/ 34 kcal Zsír: 0 g -amelyből telített zsírsavak: 0 g Szénhidrát: 4 g -amelyből cukrok: 2,5 g Fehérje: 4 g Só: 1,9 g Származási hely: Kína

Shirataki Konjac glass noodles 400 g

750 Ft
Package size: 400 g This is the (thinnest) version of the Shirataki noodles! Ingredients: water, konjac flour, calcium hydroxide (acidity regulator). Shirataki noodles are made from the root of the konjac plant. This plant is native to Japan, China and South-East Asia. Because it is carbohydrate-free, it can be included in almost any diet. It is also known abroad as "Miracle noodle", because 100 grams of noodles contain only 1.5 grams of carbohydrates! It is also safe for people with food allergies and has an excellent fibre content. Preparation: rinse the dough with boiling water. Add to soups, stews, meat dishes and vegetarian meals.

Shirataki Konjac noodles (wide)

750 Ft
Package size: 400 g, filtered weight 200 g. This is the widest of the Shirataki noodles! Ingredients: water, konjac flour, calcium hydroxide (acidity regulator). Shirataki noodles are made from the root of the konjac plant. This plant is native to Japan, China and South-East Asia. Because it is carbohydrate-free, it can be included in almost any diet. It is also known abroad as "Miracle noodle", because 100 grams of noodles contain only 1.5 grams of carbohydrates! It is also safe for people with food allergies and has an excellent fibre content. Preparation: rinse the dough with boiling water. Add to soups, stews, meat dishes and vegetarian meals.

Shirataki Konjac Udon noodles 400 g

750 Ft
Package size: 400 g, filtered weight 200 g. Of all the Shirataki noodles, this is the udon (thick) noodle version! Ingredients: water, konjac flour, calcium hydroxide (acidity regulator). Shirataki noodles are made from the root of the konjac plant. This plant is native to Japan, China and South-East Asia. Because it is carbohydrate-free, it can be included in almost any diet. It is also known abroad as "Miracle noodle", because 100 grams of noodles contain only 1.5 grams of carbohydrates! It is also safe for people with food allergies and has an excellent fibre content. Preparation: rinse the dough with boiling water. Add to soups, stews, meat dishes and vegetarian meals.

Sriracha Chiliszósz 455 ml

2.490 Ft
Kiszerelés: 455 ml Kóstold meg te is a világszerte ismert chiliszószt a Sriracha-t! Szinte minden ázsiai konyhának alapeleme!  Összetevők: chili 61%, cukorszirup, só, fokhagyma, víz, étkezési sav: E260; E330, ízfokozó: E621, stabilizátor: E415, tartósítószer: E202.

Sriracha Mayo (Majonéz) 455 ml

2.590 Ft
Kiszerelés: 455 ml Összetevők: víz, chili 20%, szójabab olaj, cukor, desztillált ecet, módosított kukoricakeményítő, só, stabilizátor E415, fokhagyma, mustármag, savasság szabályozó E260, E330, ízfokozó E621, tartósítószer E202, antioxidáns E319.