Thank you for visiting our website!
Asia ABC is a 100% Hungarian-owned company employing Hungarians.
99% of the goods we sell come from the authentic environment of South East Asia. We mainly serve cuisine from Japan, South Korea, China, Thailand, Vietnam and India. But we are also constantly expanding the number and variety of products available.
Asian culture is a completely different world compared to Europe. As for gastronomy, there are also significant differences between countries. Just compare Korean cuisine with Japanese cuisine. There are so many delicious, delicious specialities in this corner of the world. We want to bring the opportunity to taste Asian food into everyone's home.
Make it yourself!
Our key message is that everyone can make these treats at home. Whether you're a hobby cook or a true culinary artist, even if you've never been to the Far East.
We believe that everyone can make these dishes. And our primary task is to provide the right quality raw materials.
If you have any questions, our customer service is at your disposal! Look under "Contact".
We wish you good shopping!
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89 vélemény alapjánA Trustindex hitelesíti, hogy a vélemény eredeti forrása Google. Bő, olcsó választék! Éva Farkasné2024.03.18.A Trustindex hitelesíti, hogy a vélemény eredeti forrása Google. A webshopból rendeltem, minden megèrkezett, mèg egy ajándèk kis kekszet is kaptunk hozzá.🤗 Bernadett Juhász2024.01.18.A Trustindex hitelesíti, hogy a vélemény eredeti forrása Google. Nagyon rendben van ez a kis uzlet. Fuszerek, konyhai alapanyagok, edessegek, mirelit termekek, instant levesek, mindenfele kiegeszito, akar hutott italok is. Tamás Terjék2024.01.13.